
Donate To Viva/Shop Viva Merch

In order to keep our website running, along with expanding our website to include more features and systems, you can help us out by donating. All donations are put in an account just for Viva Trucking and are used for the community. We appreciate all donations!
One Time Donation

Donating is donating whether it's monthly or not. Every little bit helps Viva maintain financial stability and grow our technological developments. To give something back for your contribution you will receive:

  • Access to the Donator only Discord Chat
  • Receive new features first (Min $10)
  • Receive an exclusive Donator only ETS2 skin
Monthly Donation

Becoming a Monthly Donator is the greatest contribution you can make to help Viva financially. With Patreon, not only can you help support Viva, but in return gain unique donator perks only available to monthly donators. By becoming a Patreon subscriber, you will help transform this amazing community by funding future developments and projects. Click the button below to learn more about the Viva Patreon.

Become a true Viva Trucking Driver, get your self some company goodies. Every purchase of Viva Trucking Merch goes to fund Viva's operations. Thank you for your contribution.
All products are available on our store page. Click the button below to be redirected.